Follow the dropdown menu under the label Tasks & Activities from the menu bar, to view the upcoming activities.
Introduction of the subject and the ways we will be working
Our project is split into two main parts.
Part 1 - Historical Review
We make a historical flashback, looking for the most important landmarks in space exploration history and we study the reasons for which humans are facing the challenge of trying to make other planets available for sustaining humans. More specifically our students, with our guidance, will be asked to

Space Exploration History
Politics & Social Background
Environmental Impact
search for historical facts from mid ‘50’s until the contemporary times, that concern space facts
learn about the social-political background
search for the environmental reasons that led man to visit the moon once again, after about 6 decades

Technological Advancement
make a comparison on the technological advancement. They will get some basic knowledge on rockets from the 50’s in comparison to rockets from our era

Space Law
have a look on space human rights and space law

Apollo XI vs Artemis II
compare Apollo XI and Artemis II missions
Part 2 - Moon Camp Challenge
The second part of the project is a preparation for the moon camp challenge competition, run by the European Space Agency (ESA).

Theoretical Background on the Conditions on the Lunar or Martian Environment

ESA's Report

Collaboration with Scientists from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
our students will collaborate on the foundational knowledge for creating a lunar base. They will learn about the lunar soil, surface, climate, astronauts’ needs in order to sustain in the harsh circumstances, ways to provide water and oxygen, and many more

3D Desing - Tinkercad Learning
our students will be learning a 3D-design tool in order to design the lunar base (Tinkercad is suggested by the contest)
answering the questionnaire template, given by ESA. This questionnaire will be submitted to the contest.

Design and Print!
Each team designs their own lunar base, print it (this is optional) and participate in the contest
Dr. Loukas Vlahos and his team, from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, will join this effort as an external scientific collaborator and mentor, who can verge on the specific matter with a contemporary perspective

Moon Camp Challenge!
Now, the collaborators become competitors, wishing each other best of luck, since they both worked on this project with dedication, devotion and passion!