Let's Introduce Ourselves!
We are a team of secondary education teachers and students from Thessaloniki, Greece and Zagreb, Croatia.
We founded and currently collaborating in this eTwinning project concerning space exploration and the future inhabiting of other planets, in order for our students to gain an insight on facts that are and will be taking place during the contemporary 4th Industrial Revolution.
The 1st Gymnasio of Polichni team consists of five teachers and fourteen students, of ages 13 to 15, while the Primary school Središće team consists of five teachers and ten students, of ages 14 to 15.
School Websites:
The Students' Team
The Teachers' Team

Christiana Matentsidou
Mathematics Teacher - Coordinator
Hello there!
I am Christiana Matentsidou and I teach Mathematics, Science and Geography in secondary education.
I love to work annually on projects with my students, especially on the ones that are STEM, STEAM, STREAM oriented, related to real world problems, as well as the ones of social interest, arts, culture and thematics that the students wouldn't have been able to be familiar with through the school curriculum.
I consider myself a life-long learner, with a passion for science and technology. In my leisure, I enjoy music, the adventures of travel, and the discipline of martial arts.

Bosiljko Đerek
Mathematics & Science Teacher - Coordinator
I am a teacher. This is what defines me. I watch, observe, helps. I believe in knowledge. I'm learning and teaching. I know my limitations.
I was born `76th I studied, I know now, just because of quantum physics and astronomy .. ie. Schroedinger equation. And I signed up because I like to solve tasks ..
I participated in a number of different projects, they were all connected with new technologies in education, new ways of teaching.
I am currently interested in 4 acronyms: 3D, VR, AR, AI. I believe that they contain the keys to the future in education.
In my free time, I enjoy music, reading, walking, traveling and socializing

Dimitra Pseftogianni
Mathematics Teacher - Special Education
Hello everybody!
My name is Dimitra Pseftogianni and I am a mathematician. For the last two years I teach Mathematics in 1st Gymnasium at Polichni in Thessaloniki. I Iove to work on Statistics projects and this is my first attempt to work on a space project. I really want to know everything in this new search area for me!
I enjoy teaching in all level of education in my country and I also love exploring and learning new things about my city/country.

Nera Batina
Geography, Ecology & Civil Society Teacher
I'm Nera, I teach a geography, civic education and sustainable development. I have been involved in various project such as Project Citizen, GLOBE programme and experimental elective program My Contribution to Sustainable Development. I like to collaborate with teachers of other subjects to learn something new and bring innovative strategies into the classroom. I am sincerely looking forward to our cooperation.

Margarita Avramidou
IT Teacher, School Vice Principal
Hi to everybody!!! My name is Avramidou Margarita and I am a computer scientist teacher in 1st Gymnasium of Polichni in Thessaloniki. For the past few years, in my free time I have been working with robotics, Arduino and 3D design and printing. It's the 2nd year I've been involved with eTwinning and I'm very happy to be participating in such a great program again this year. I can't wait to start working together...

Tajana Beribak Gačić
History & Multicultural Aspects Teacher
Hello everyone!
My name is Tajana Beribak Gačić and I am history teacher in Elementary school Sredisce from Zagreb, Croatia. I am looking forward to participate in this project.

Dimitroula Tsanidou
German Language, History, Skills Workshops Teacher
Hello eTwinners-winners!
I am saying that because being involved with extra-curricular activities can only be interesting, creative and beneficial to both teachers and students. And that is a great win!
My name is Dimitra and I teach german language, history and I perform skills workshops. I am interested in culture, theater, dance, music and sports activities.
You might wonder why I participate in this project. You are right! I am lost in space!
Nevertheless, I will do my best to explore this new field for me!

Ivana Trucek
Mother Language & Critical
Thinking Teacher
Hello, I'm Ivana Trucek from Zagreb. I am teaching native language, Croatian, in Elementary school.
Mountains is great topic and I can't be more excitement to be part of these project.

Evangelia Bounda
Biology Teacher, School Principal
Hello! My name is Evangelia Bounda and I am a Biologist. I usually teach Biology, Science and Geography in secondary education. I’m interested in gaining knowledge in subjects related to science and linguistics. I believe that education programs can be a great opportunity for students to expand their knowledge and acquire various skills.

Božena Ukić
IT, Robotics & Programming Languages Teacher